SEO is a world full of instances. And that is due to the fact that there are a lot of people associated with SEO. And it is also the fact that there is no fixed way of SEO specialization. One thing that works for a website might not work for the other. Due to this very reason, the rumor factor comes into full swing. People start believing about certain things to be the standard SEO practices while those things are not like that actually.
In this scenario, we are going to talk about the top SEO myths.
SEO is a level playing field
This is a myth the people basically want to believe in. But the matter of fact is that SEO doesn’t provide equal opportunity to all of the businesses. It may not sound fair but this is what it is. It is mainly due to the reason that different websites use different ranking signals. Some signals are difficult to work on while some are easy. And what’s more ironic here is that there may be two sites in the same niche competing with each other, and the ranking job may be easier for the one while difficult for the other.

SEO is One-Time Project
It is a common belief that once you have worked on the SEO in the required way, the foundation is laid and now you only need to oversee things to watch the traffic coming. Things are best practices in SEO today are not going to work tomorrow. And so, you may have to work on changing that foundation entirely. Hence, SEO is never a one-time project. You are going to have to keep an eye on the algorithmic changes to keep up. Even if your website is not affected by algorithmic changes, you are going to have to stay ahead of your competition. And that means you are going to have to keep working on SEO.
SEO is backlinks
Link is the most important entity of internet. Search engines are able to find and crawl through new content only with the help of links. Google consider links as ranking signals. But one thing that needs to be kept in mind here is that backlinks can, sometimes, end up harming a website’s ranking. You may have heard about the manual penalties by Google. Those penalties are slapped on the basis of linking to poor quality websites. Some Google algorithms such as Penguin are made to identify the websites linked to the poor quality sites.

While links certainly hold great value for the SEO of a website, it doesn’t mean that you can link to every website you can link to. Relevance and quality of the website need to be taken into consideration.
SEO is user signals
It is worth mentioning here that users’ signals are highly important in SEO.As a matter of fact, the entire business model of Google rests on its users’ loyalty. This is the reason that Google has a mechanism in place to measure the user satisfaction and use that data to improve its product. However, this data is not shared by Google. What we are left with are the GSC impressions and click-through rate to know about the users’ perception. Working on these indicators will help you know what your audience is interested in. This way, you will be able to formulate the SEO strategy in a better way.

Keywords are the key
During their early days, search engines relied heavily on the density of keywords. However, that SEO importance of the keywords has been lost in all those years. The modern-day SEO uses keywords to know what a page or blog is all about but it not considered as the sole ranking signal. It means that it is no longer about counting pages on a website. Although the primary keywords are still needed to be placed in the content, the insertion needs to be the logical one.