Edge SEO is something that more businesses have started to use, and while more businesses are using existing technologies, Cloudflare is something that’s started to become more popular. That’s mainly because the alternatives are there, such as Akamai Edge Workers, and marketing professionals that develop the processes, cases of businesses, and the deployment protocols that are happening around these technologies.
For most of this though, the implementation possibilities through the “Edge SEO” are actually limitless, and the cases include the implementing hreflang, collecting the log file based on the server request, and the dynamic re-rendering of the cached javascript webpages. Some of these are more situation dependent, help with development queues, and from there use the latest technologies, such as the browser-level lazy loading. Akami Edge Workers is about to come out as a bata, and this can allow for you to use more potential new cases as well.
Lazy loading is something that’s good for achieving the faster page loading results, and better performances for the users that are within the organic search results. Since a lot of websites could benefit from this, but most of them struggle to expedite the implementation via the traditional development methods as fast as they could, the edge EO offers an alternative to this as well.

There is also the dynamic pre-rendering of javascript pages, and this is something that’s been one of the more prominent concerns of the SEO world. That’s because Google is now releasing more videos in order to help the SEOs out there get the help that they need with this technology. That’s because it’s a big part of delivering the content that they need to users and improving crawl ability. Oftentimes, for example, webpages that have pages about cats may be improperly serving it to people who are dog users, and that can be considered cloaking.

This can affect your website, but if you start to understand the rendering, and using this, you’ll be able to refresh the cache and stay updated on what’s happening, so you can get the best results for your own site, and whatever it is that you’re doing.
Using this, it is possible to reduce the cached page requests, and the costs in using third-party rendering integration, and you can set this up quite easily by identifying the request and where it’s coming from, or a general user. You can from there start to check for a pre-rendered cached version of the page, and then return it, or if it’s a general user, return the version for the client side rendering. If there is a secondary function that needs to be used, and they fall back but it’s not there, then there is no cached version, and this happens through a page being new, or the page not being included in the sitemaps.

This is supposed to help with improving the efficiency of the websites, and crawability, which in turn can help generate more users